Odd browser problem

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    Moved the topic as there's a possibility it could be a software issue.  Anyway, I think that

    might have happened to me a long time ago, seems like a familiar problem.  Only thing is tho, I'm not

    quite sure how to fix it.  Uninstalling and then reinstalling the browsers might work, but if it's more of

    an issue with Windows, more work might need done.  I'd start by maybe just changing resolutions, refresh

    rates, and color depths, just to make Windows reset the display.  If not, try right clicking on 'My

    Computer –> Properties' then going to the 'Advanced' tab, then under Performance, click

    'Settings'.  Under the 'Visual Effects' tab, try reselecting some of your options, and see

    if that fixes anything.

    That's all I can think of now, Tim might be able to shed some info once he

    gets a free moment.


    Seems to me that if it happens in multiple browsers, then the chances of it being a browser problem are

    pretty slim.  Do you see this any place else, in a standalone application?  What about in IE?  How

    long has this been occurring and did you install any updates (since we all know that Microsoft Security updates

    usually break multiple things). 

    Greg's suggestions are a good place to start.  It seems

    to me like its definitely a windows issue and not a browser issue.  I just did some reading and Ive noticed

    you've been using Flash for some of your projects.  What I found was that there are some of these fancy

    flash games, like the one where you shoot the penguin across the screen or whatever.  Well, when they call the

    command Mouse.hide(), which hides the mouse from the user, chances are, you'll loose your cursor as well. 

    I have not yet confirmed to see if this is true, but it may very well be the case.  Just out of curiousity,

    what version of Flash are you running?  And have you upgraded your flash player to v9?  Also, just for

    grins, what version of Firefox are you running?  I know they've released a few updates recently.  And

    dump AOL.  They suck  😉

    That should give you enough to play with for now.  If you dont

    find a solution, let me know, and we'll keep looking until we find one. 


    I have only seen this on internet pages, I don't use IE(although I think AOL is

    IE). I think it has just started recently.  Not really a huge thing because it happens so infrequently but I

    just thought it was a very strange problem to have come across.  I'm sure I have the most up to date flash

    and the updated firefox.  It has only happened twice so far, once when my mom was trying to fill out something

    on geico.com and once when I was trying to post about my flash interface on this forum.  I know AOL sucks but

    it's the only ISP we have ever had and my parents don't want to change.


    I have been having a very strange problem with my internet browser.  Every once in a while I will

    be trying to type something in the browser, in a search box or forum post, and the text cursor will disappear. 

    I will click in the text box and it still won

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