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  • #198


    Still want to help with the user login?  At the moment, Ive got a few bugs to work out so

    that the user login registration posts correctly, because right now it doesnt appear to be querying the database at

    all, probably because of what Im trying to do.  As soon as I do, I might have you take a gander at the

    HTML.  Basically what you'll do is pretty it up a bit, making sure everything lines up.  Keep in

    mind, Ive got some HTML embedded in the PHP code.  Eventually, what I want to do is call the PHP code that will

    display HTML based on a set of conditions.  When Im ready for you to go through it, I'll comment the code

    so you know what its doing.  And if that becomes a problem, just give me a buzz and I'll explain whats

    going on.  I just noticed some things last night, such as alignment issues, when trying to return error

    messages back to the screen.  I figured you want to help and have a better eye for aesthetics. 

    Let me know.

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