Bloatware and You

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    Very often, I see articles online about how obese America has become.  Our motto seems to have become “Large and In Charge.”  Software seems to have also taken this road.  I cant even count the number of programs that I now consider bloatware.  Windows seems to be the perfect example.    With every new release of the Windows OS, the amount of resources taken up continues to grow.  When I upgraded to XP, I found that the OS used up about 1.5 GB of disk space and at least 256 MB of RAM.  With Vista, the size has grown.  Other apps are no exception.  Today I read an article on Digg about Adobe Reader 9.  Our friends at Adobe have just added to the amount of space this simple software should use.  It seems to me that a software package that performs such a simple task should be fairly small.

    The point Im getting at is why do we let ourselves run such bloated software, which usually just causes us more problems than what its worth?  My suspicion is that its lack of knowledge.  Adobe is a fairly well known company, so we just assume that whatever they're releasing is what is needed.  While the resources are available for such software, it seems an unnecessary and inefficient use of said resources to run such bloated programs.  I know 500GB hard drives are cheap, but I dont want bloatware to be what is filling my hard drive.  I'd rather be filling my drives with useful data, such as PDF's. 

    What do we do about it?  Well, first, we should probably educate ourselves on what other options are available.  FoxItReader is a PDF viewer that is fairly small in size and has many features that a person using PDF's might find useful.  Before we decide to just live with what we're given, we should look into other options to see whats out there, so we dont clog up our systems with unnecessary CRAP.

    Anyone up for a switch to Linux or some other OS? 

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