Development continues….slowly

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    Ive had a little free time recently, so Ive been plugging away at revisioin v002c, which contains the Content by Category function.  In addition to that, a settings page has been implemented so that you dont have to edit the config file every time you want to make a change.  This screen will allow you to make those changes.  I still have a few more functions I want to add (like being able to publish or not, show on the frontpage or not, and the ability to display content items on the main page).

    Interestingly enough, Ive kind of implemented v002b1 (Static Content, Categories, and Settings) on the MP site.  The MP site itself looks no different than it did before.  However, the functions to update the content on the main page now use the MightorCMS backend. 

    If you want to check out what I have so far, feel free to go to http://midev.mightorindustries…..orcms/demo.  When you go into the admin panel, you will be prompted for user and password.  The user is admin and the pass is demo.

    Here's a list of what I want to include for v002c, as well as my plans for v002d.  Keep in mind that this may not happen overnight, but hey, its progress.  Once Im done teaching, I should have a little more free time to hopefully dedicate to development of the CMS.  Im also going to attach some other ideas I have for the CMS.

    Here's what I have so far.

    MightorCMS – Revision v002c
    This release will contain the following features to the backend.

        * Admin Panel
              o Entry/Edit of Categories/Sub Categories
              o Publishing of Static Content pages
              o Publishing of Content by Category, with the option to flag for frontpage viewing.
              o Configuration Settings Page
                    + Database Settings
                    + Timezone settings for date
                    + Frontpage settings
                          # How many content items to display?
                          # Flag to determine where to display the date and in what format
                                * Above the content item
                                * Below the content item
                          # Date format settings
                                * Month
                                      o Full Month (March)
                                      o Month Number (03)
                                * Day
                                      o Note: havent decided how far to go with this yet.  Probably no option for the moment
                                * Year
                                      o Two digit
                                      o Four digit
                                * Date format
                                      o Allow selection of order in which the date is displayed.
                          # Show category, if one exists
        * Frontpage Display of content
              o Using configuration settings, display content entered in the back end to the front end.

    MightorCMS – Revision v002d

        * Menu system
              o Allow creation of menu entries
                    + Allow for sub menus
              o Allow linking to a category, static content, or an external URL.
              o Active/Inactive.
                    + This determines if a menu entry is to be shown on the front page.  If active, display the entry.
        * Categories
              o Disallow deletion of a category if it is associated to a menu.
        * Frontpage
              o When displaying a category of content from a menu entry, and the category has sub categories, show each category, and its content below.

    Mightor Industries Development Ideas
        These are possible ideas that could be added into the MightorCMS, but also elsewhere.

        * Post to Mightor Industries option
              o would issue a SOAP request to the MI site, where news would be automatically posted to the Latest News section, or perhaps a configurable section.
              o only allow Post to Mightor Industries option if any other site but mightor industries (check the domain name).
        * Create a forum topic when new dynamic content is generated.
              o Provide a link to the forum topic as part of the content.
        * Allow some options for printing the date on a post.
              o print only the date, or the date and the time.
              o Allow formatting of the date (configurable in settings).

    I'd sure like to have some feedback about what you think of all of this stuff, or if you have additional ideas.  I dont want to plan too far ahead.

    If anyone has any ideas for enhancements to the design of the back end, please let me know.  I'd like to spend some time cleaning up the design of the backend once I get the menuing working and released.  I think by the time we get the design cleaned up, get the menuing done, and do some additional cleanup, we may be ready for a v1.  Havent really decided yet.  One thing I'd like to consider is a standard set of button graphics or something for use in the backend.  If anyone has any spare time, please do some research on some free graphics or designing your own to fit with the MightorCMS model and let me know what you find.

    Damn this is fun.

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