Favorite Movies

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    Hmm there are so many, I guess some of my favorites would be:
    Clerks and Mall Rats
    King Kong was awesome
    Madagascar is defiantly one of my favorites now
    Princess Mononoke
    and all of Greg's

    I can't believe you

    forgot Willow.


    Crap, what is wrong with me, I did forget Willow.  Ok, that is like another movie that I've

    seen somewhere around 2,000 times or more, practically wore out the VHS tape, glad I got the DVD.


    I second Greg's list.  I also like Boondock Saints, Swordfish, Gone in 60 Seconds, Forrest Gump

    (which I havent seen in a long time due to overwatching it in jr high).


    Yo Bro's!
    I thought I would chime in on everything! 😛
    Favorite Movies…….


    Sin City
    4. Joe Dirt
    3. Indiana Jones Trilogy
    2. Mallrats
    And the number 1 movie of Danny











    1. Sesame Street On Ice! Haha, it's Tommy Boy


    Nice one, Danny, you had me worried there for a moment, ha!


    Thought of another of my favorite movies that I think many of us forgot to include…..Office Space.

    Someone's got a case of the Mondays….which is me every Monday morning.  Although, we dont have a

    Lumburg in our company (Thank God).


    Crap, how could I have forgotten that movie!!


    Dont feel bad I forgot about it until I posted the update about being like Michael Bolton…..what a great

    movie.  WTF is PC Load Letter?


    I thought I'd post this to get some topics in here, but what are some of your favorite movies.  I

    have so many movies that it's really hard to pick which would be my favorites, but I thought that I'd at

    least try to list my top 5 favorites:

    1.  Tommy Boy – my all time favorite movie. 

    I've watched it about 2,000 times, and it just gets funnier everytime I watch it.
    2.  Happy

    Gilmore – first Adam Sandler movie I ever saw, and still my favorite.  “You're gonna die

    3.  Anchorman – The Legend of Ron Burgundy – I don't have to say anything about

    this one, the movie speaks for itself.
    4.  Shawshank Redemption – best prison movie, ever. 

    Can't remember how many times I've seen it, but I never get tired of watching it.
    5.  A

    Christmas Story – number 5 was hard to pick, but I picked this one cuz around Christmas time, I watch this movie

    like crazy, like the 24 hour marathon.

    Well, that's my list, you don't have to list your top 5,

    you can just list your most favorite, I just did that cuz like I said, it's hard to pick for me, I've got

    so many that I like.

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