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    Found some more info that will be helpful.  http://www.htmldog.com.  Run through both the HTML tutorials, as well as the CSS tutorials.  They'll both be incredibly helpful.  The HTML is all done in XHTML, in case you're wondering


    Yeah, I know for a fact that CSS would make our lives easier, especially if we changed any layouts on certain sections of the site (and would help me as I won't have to make layout and graphical changes to the MP Info page – assuming I ever get to updating and uploading that section).  I dove into some CSS last spring, had a chance to learn a good chunk, but was quickly losing interest in everything at school (as I just wanted to get home for summer break), and kinda skipped out on that part (as well as the Flash site, Scott knows about that), so I really don't know as much as I should.  But it doesn't seem all that difficult to use, so I'm sure we can get it into the site at some point.

    By the way, Tim, if we wanna get a lot of these projects done, we're gonna have to get some free time, on weekends or something, and become coding freaks, in order to get anything major done (kinda like that time we had that one summer when we rebuilt our old computers, like my 133MHz, that was fun).

    So, I'm seeing this as a way to build more up to date, and professional pages, to keep with the times and such, since the site is such a much bigger project than it used to be.


    Well, to be percectly honest, I could go for a couple of 12 hour coding sessions.  Although, I'd have to be seriously motivated to do it anymore.  After spending all day coding at work, sometimes the last thing I want to come home to is more coding.  Although I have my moments where I just want to work on the site, kinda like last night…which reminds me, I need to finish what Im doing and post a frickin update.

    I think we should seriously consider using both XHTML and CSS in our pages.  Neither of which are incredibly difficult to pick up.  Ive got a basic (very basic) knowledge of CSS.  XHTML is just a combo of HTML and XML, or if you want to look at it this way, a stricter version of HTML, because of the way they make you have closing tags.  Its really not a bad way to go in my opinion.

    I can certainly guarantee that we will definitely get more done if we have some free time and plenty of cold pizza, combos and pop.  (That summer was so awesome, wasnt it, a T1 all to ourselves)

    Also, if we really want to get a lot of this stuff done, we have to be organized.  Not only in our coding, but with everything else as well.  Im trying to write some PHP functions that we'll use a lot, that way we dont have to constantly re-write them.  I really need to get you a basic tutorial of PHP, I think it would be useful to you.  I dont know how busy you are now, so you'll have to let me know so I know when I can work with you on it.  I have to tell you, it would be nice to have some help in this development.  After 12 hours or so, my brain gets cooked…


    Ok, so I finally got motivated to do some website stuff, and made a few additions to the Mightor Technologies page.  First off, I tried going with a more XHTML kind of look, just from memory.  The main page appears to load with no problems.  Also, after some experimenting, I finally got CSS implemented in the main page.  I also redesigned the logo (all I did was add the URL to the logo.  Personally, I think it looks a lot better.  I was able to cut the amount of HTML way down by using CSS.  Took some playing around with, but I finally got something Im happy with.  Now I just have to adjust the rest of the site for the CSS layout.  Got a ways to go, but it looks pretty cool so far.


    Ive been doing some thinking and Im seriously considering implementing XHTML and CSS as part of the Mightor Industries standard.  There are several benefits to using XHTML and CSS.  One of the best reasons that I can think of, as a programmer reading other people's code on a daily basis, is that the webpages we are writing are going to be a lot easier to maintain, as XHTML requires balanced tags, where HTML 4 does not.

    Here's an article from W3C on XHTML  http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/xhtml1.pdf

    Im going to throw some examples of XHTML on the site in the next few days.  Im also working on generating html through PHP, but after my experiments last night, I'd love to forget the whole thing…lol.  However, I think something like that would save me a lot of time in coding, as I can just call functions that give a site the same look and feel, changing the content as needed, which is why we're using PHP to begin with.

    Lets have some discussion on this because I think it would be incredibly useful for us to take the time to learn XHTML and CSS (especially CSS, since I know Greg has been dying to learn it for about 4 or 5 years now).

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