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  • in reply to: Down For Now #646

    No prob, just one of those things I just thought of looking at and noticed a change.

    in reply to: Quad Opteron 1U #495

    That freakin rocks.  I would love to get myself a quad dual-core Opteron system, that thing would


    in reply to: Down For Now #643

    Well, just browsing the net, and I noticed that Smakk Studios seems to be down

    again.  Don't know if it's a problem on my end or not.  Just kinda posting an update on that.

    in reply to: Interesting article #362

    Because 99.7% of Americans are mindless.  Yeah, that's something else that drives me nuts, a

    movie that is about the actors.  I can't stand that.  It's like I was listening to Opie and

    Anthony on XM this morning while I was driving back to school, and they had Kevin Smith on with them today. 

    Kevin Smith said that working with these high paid actors is difficult and a pain.  He said that it was a

    breath of fresh air to work on Clerks 2, with Brian O'Halloran (Dante) and Jeff Anderson (Randal), low

    maintenance actors that aren't focused their own self superiority.  See, we need more directors like Kevin

    Smith, now that man knows how to make a movie!

    in reply to: Anyone Watch ER? #355

    Yeah, I know what you mean.  I need to get my workstation running so I have something at home that

    can run Maya.  My 950 is just getting too old to be able to run something as hefly as that, even if I could get

    the program to load.  I'm glad my 64bit is holding strong, especially as much use as it's getting

    now, since my dual MP is sitting at home on the dinning room floor, in pieces.

    End of quarter, projects

    suck, dead tired.  All these things equal a dead forum.  I'm sure once I get some extra time,

    I'll post more stuff, and I like Scott's idea, a weekly topic of interest, that would at least get us to

    visit the forums more often.

    in reply to: I’m not even sure it’s in english. #359

    More than likely, but 1000 times better than what they got you reading now.

    in reply to: Interesting article #360

    Ah, the corporate management has found a new way to laugh at us consumers as we take it in the rear,

    again.  Ok, first thing, since no one has decided on a new standard yet, no reason for me to start looking into

    it yet.  I've lived my whole life without HD equipment, why start now?  (yeah, I know HD is amazing,

    but DVDs through S-Video are really nice too)  Ok, here's something else, I just bought my DVD player (a

    real high end, expensive model, by the way), just a little over 6 years ago, and I already have to think about

    upgrading?  Nope, not yet.  Besides, I'm sure they'll still be making standard DVDs for awhile,

    even after the new format comes out (I hope, or they'll cut those off to force people to upgrade).  And,

    why has Hollywood been losing money?  They think it's piracy, yes, it does play at little role, affecting

    mainly DVD sales, but what about box office sales?  People bootlegging screeners, taking cameras in the

    theaters?  It happens, but has anyone stopped, and really taken a good look at the movies that have been coming

    out lately?  Most of them are pure CRAP!!!  They aren't selling tickets cuz movies nowadays suck, and

    suck hard.  Every now and then, you get a gem, but think of the amount of crap you have to dig through

    first.  No wonder Hollywood isn't making money, same for the recording industry, people do want to pay for

    stuff that sucks (although, that can be argued, but saved for another time).  I hate the fact that we have to

    suffer because all those snots running the studios have their heads so far up their behinds that they can't

    make decent movies anymore; ahem, a good action/space/sci-fi movie anyone?  (and I will also debate the quality

    and watchabiltly of some of these new independent and forgein films too, quit with the friggin sappy drama,

    I've seen some of the awesome CG some of these other contries can do, why the hell aren't they using those

    talents to make awesome movies, Wonderful Days, for example, it was Korean, but it rocked, abiet a bit confusing,

    but it rocked).

    Ok, that's enough on that, I'll have to stop before I really get started. 

    Also, unless Tommy Boy is released in HD, that is the perfect reason why I don't need to upgrade (not like they

    can anyway, the movie wasn't shot in HD).

    in reply to: I’m not even sure it’s in english. #357

    Wow, that almost seems like who ever wrote it, knew so little about the subject, that

    they just used big words and a dead form of grammar to make it sound like they knew what they were talking

    about.  I feel sorry for you for having to read that stuff.  Wouldn't it be easier to say the person

    who is “it” chases the other people who are “not it” around someone's back yard.  I

    mean seriously, we don't need an intellectual thesis on tag, if 5 year olds understand how to play the game,

    then we shouldn't need degrees from Harvard and Yale to be able to read on how to play the game.


    I'm rambling now, I can't believe someone would write that either.  I'd rather read that article

    from our Inrto to Gaming class (SCAD) with the guy who stared out his window for 3 hours for no apparent

    reason.  At least that held some entertainment value.

    in reply to: Quiet in these parts #350

    Been a long weekend, didn't get as much done as I wanted too, so I gotta spend most of today and

    tonight working on my Maya project (gotta build and rig a high and low poly character, should be able to have it all

    done by the end of the week).  I spent pretty much all Saturday playing Serious Sam with my one room mate that

    actually stayed for the weekend.  I don't know, I want to get some stuff posted here, and get back to the

    site, but I just don't see that happening anytime soon.  I gotta be able to have time for the project

    I'm doing for the Attic also.

    Tim, the idea for the book came about during winter break, when I

    found an old Native American story/book that I wrote in fifth grade.  I was looking at it and thinking that if

    I rewrote it a little, and updated the pictures, I could easily turn it into a possible high selling children's

    book (a bit optimistic here, but it would be sweet).  I was thinking if that would happen, I could use the

    money for school next year and for parts for the other engine I have (which Kevin tells me is a different year than

    I thought it was, which ticks me off a bit, cuz those guys lied to me, and parts for a Series II are a lot more

    expensive than a Series I).

    Yeah, our Python 2 professor (who is a new guy this quarter), encourages us

    to comment on all our code (only on more complex code, and to use comments to dvide up sections, like variables,

    main program, and such).  And when we write new functions, he tells us that we have to note, after the defining

    the function, what it does, or we lose points.  So, at least a few people in our class should have good

    commenting backgrounds.

    Edit:  Woo, post #50!!  Half way to 100!!

    in reply to: Quiet in these parts #345

    Uh….  I hear that, bad week for me this past week.  Lots of homework, and midterms and such

    (that Python midterm tore me a new one).  Got a good bit of stuff to do this weekend too.  Hopefully I can

    get some done.  Been mostly jamming to tunes and being pretty passive on the boards (here and at the Attic);

    hardly touched any games (maybe played Most Wanted for like 20 min today, total).  I hope to get to posting

    some stuff in the near future.  I gotta start managing my time now, running out of it; got some big projects in

    the works — one for the Attic site (I've done little for it at the moment), and I'm getting ready to work

    on my first illustrated book (read: children's book — hell of a lot of dough in that, tho, so no laughing), so

    I need to start doing the layouts for that and looking into publishers.  Man, all the Maya work I still gotta

    do for class. . .  this is going to be one hell of a quarter all the way to the end.

    Colvin, I feel

    your pain, but it sucks for me, cuz I'm not getting paid for it.

    in reply to: It is back up…..sorta #647

    Well, I say something is better than nothing.  I can't wait til Smakk is back

    up in full glory.

    in reply to: This Strange Weather #336

    I wish it was that nice here.

    in reply to: This Strange Weather #334

    Yet more strangeness, it's warmer today.  It's still a bit cool out there, but more like

    light jacket weather.  I hope it can stay like this through the weekend.  Even better, have it get warmer

    by the weekend.  That would rock!!

    in reply to: This Strange Weather #333

    Ok, I was pleased that it was warmer over the weekend, although I couldn't really enjoy it. 

    Now, it's bloody freezing out there; actually it's fairly cold in here too, even with my computer

    running.  Looks like it might rain….  wait, let me correct that, looks like it might snow!! 

    Man, I really wish this season could make up it's mind – either get warm and stay there, or get cold and stay

    there.  This back and forth nosense is really messing with me.

    in reply to: Down For Now #641

    Ok, cool, that works for me.  Anything that can get the site back up and running.  Cuz, the world

    needs SMAKK, can't live without it!!  Anyway, that'll probably make it easy for you guys to manage it

    and such, plus having a little more space and bandwidth for the videos and pics.

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